Members of the South East Essex Green Party in the new Office, opened by Amelia Womack
On Friday 6th March 2020, the South East Essex Green Party opened a brand new office in central Southend.
Opened by Deputy Leader of the Green Party, Amelia Womack, joined by members of the local Green Party, this new town-centre multipurpose office will be a really valuable asset in bringing the fight against climate inaction to Southend.
At the official opening, Ms Womack said;
“It’s been inspiring to see the work happening on this, on Facebook – on Social media, and it looks like an incredible foundation to be building to the next steps of winning a Green councillor, of getting Green representation. I hope that you’re all proud of the work that’s happened here, I’ve been inspired watching it unfold. I think this is a real opportunity for the start of something incredible. What an exciting thing to be a part of!”

This space, which will also be made available to other local environmental & social justice groups, will be an excellent resource for our local campaigners, election candidates, and members to continue with the vital work the Green Party does in our local communities.
Coordinator of the local Branch, James Vessey-Miller said;
“This is the next step-up for the Greens in Southend. At last year’s local elections we saw a big jump in support for the Greens in Southend, and people are starting to support our cause. At the EU elections last year, the Greens won more votes than the Labour party, and I think that really says something! People are tired of councillors in Southend not listening to them, and folks are starting to notice that our local campaigners stand with them on the issues that matter to them; from stopping night-flights at Southend Airport to protecting and improving our Green spaces – the Greens are leading the charge.”
We would like to thank Red Marshall, Denis Walker, Reece Learmouth, and James Vessey-Miller for their contributions towards this project.
The address of our new office is;
The South East Essex Green Party,
The Railway Hotel,
32 Clifftown Road,
Essex, SS1 1AJ.