Real hope, real change for Southend.
The Green Party want to make Southend a city fit for the future.
Our local Greens are already standing up for what matters, holding the council to account, and building a fairer, greener community.
Join, volunteer or donate today.
Southend is ready for better.
The Green Party have already delivered results for the city; working to make Southend a fairer and greener city. Our local Green team is already hard at work standing up for residents and holding the council to account.
We have a forward-thinking plan for how we can make Southend fit for the future, and our fresh and unique approach offers a new and genuine alternative for voters.
We are already gaining support from families across Southend who have told us that they’ll be voting Green in 2026; as they really appreciate the honesty and hard work of our dedicated local volunteers.
We already have two fantastic Green Councillors representing Leigh, and with your support, we will get more Greens elected to Southend Council.

Latest News
- Leigh Campaigner Presses Council on Bus Infrastructure Amid Calls for Greener TransportSimon Gittus, a Green Campaigner and Leigh resident, is pressing the City Council to make urgent improvements to the town’s bus infrastructure, arguing that better public transport is essential to easing congestion and cutting emissions.
- Cinder Path Shelter Set for Completion After Years of Delays, Councillor ConfirmsAfter years of setbacks and uncertainty, the long-awaited completion of the Cinder Path Shelter is finally in sight. Green Party Councillor Richard Longstaff, who represents Leigh Ward, has secured assurances from city council officers that the long-stalled project will be finished before the summer season, as long as there are no further complications with the project.
- Greens write to MP regarding Heathrow and Lower Thames CrossingThe South East Essex Green Party has formally written to MP, David Burton-Sampson responding to the Government’s damaging plan to proceed to allow for the building of a third runway at Heathrow, and the Lower Thames Crossing.
Donate & support our campaigns.
The Green Party rely on donations from ordinary people to fund our activities.
Please consider making a one-off donation, or setting up a regular monthly donation to help us stand up for what matters.

Our vision for Southend is of a more equal, compassionate area that protects the vulnerable, provides decent homes, education, and health services for all; and recognises the right of future generations to be protected from the ravages of climate change.
With your help, we can make that happen.