Green Action continues community litter campaign

It’s safe to say that despite the weather doing it’s best to thwart us, Green Action is off to a flying start for 2018.

Green Action and volunteers from the Southend BeachCare group on 4th February

Green Action is back once again for another year’s worth of community cleanup events.

Teaming up with volunteers from Southend BeachCare, Green Action has already jointly run two overwhelmingly successful Litter-picking days.

The first, on the 4th February, saw over 60 community activists descend on Two Tree Island for a two-hour cleanup operation. 
Over 28 bags of rubbish was removed from the West of the Island, and finds included three car tyres, the remnants of an air raid shelter, and several empty propane gas bottles.

Volunteers with the day’s haul of rubbish collected

The Second event, the Great British Spring Clean, initially had to be postponed because of the onslaught of snow, but volunteers still turned up in their droves to the rescheduled event.

The event, also co-hosted with Southend BeachCare, saw over 70 local residents arrive at Chalkwell Beach for a morning’s litter-picking.

Over seventy volunteer activists helped in the operation on the 25th March

An incredible forty sacks of rubbish were collected at the event which saw the recovery of those ever-present rogue car tyres and even a road sign!

Many thanks to the volunteers for their invaluable help, and much thanks to Veolia for the refuse recovery.


It is incredible to see so many local residents willing to sacrifice a morning of their weekend to help tidy an area of their neighbourhood.

We have plenty more events planned for rest of the year, and you can bet we’ll be digging out the waders at some point!

Please visit the Green Action page to see more upcoming events:


Also, find our Green Action page on Facebook:

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