Simon Cross
Your Green Party candidate for Southend East & Rochford
Help Simon’s General Election Campaign!
Simon’s statement:
Simon Cross is the Green Party’s General Election candidate for the Southend East & Rochford constituency.
Simon is a well-known local campaigner, and has represented the Green Party twice in parliamentary elections in the constituency; in 2015 and 2017.
Simon is a passionate representative of the natural environment and is known for his participation in many local campaigns to protect wild areas and natural assets, including recently the Holt Farm Oak tree and the trees threatened by the Shoeburyness Cantel development.
Simon is an advocate and champion of several Mental Health and SEND causes, and is a stalwart campaigner in the long-running Save Southend NHS group which successfully campaigned against the downgrading of Southend Hospital’s A&E department.
More recently, Simon has taken a leading role in the efforts to save the Ironworks culture and community centre in Southend High Street.
“In just over 40 days time, we will have a new Government. If the polls are to be believed, that will be a Labour government with a 140+ seat majority. With this in mind, it’s important that we have strong and principled voices that will hold the next Government to account over the important issues that matter to ordinary people. The Green Party has an unbroken record of standing up for what matters, and being the adults in the room. Greens across the country are already representing their communities and working honestly and collaboratively for the common good. There’s no reason why we can’t have a group of principled people in Parliament fighting for these values too.
I’m standing as a three-time candidate in this election. Cheekily, I suspect I can credibly argue that I am the most experienced candidate in this race.
Southend East & Rochford has faced years of neglect at the hands of an MP more interested in his own political career than championing our community. I want to give the good people of this area the real option to choose a fairer and greener future for their families. No doubt the Conservatives will end up parachuting in a last-minute candidate who has no ties to Southend, and what a shame that would be for our City. I have lived and worked in this area for many years and I’m proud to call it my home. I have stood up for the most impoverished parts of this area, and I have fought on behalf of residents who are struggling to make ends meet. I have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Doctors and Nurses in the fight to save our Hospital from cuts, and I have battled against developers who seek to destroy what little green belt land we have left. This is my record, and I pledge to take this fighting spirit to Westminster where I would be honoured to be our representative.”Simon Cross
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