- Green Activist and local resident, Simon Gittus, urges action on Marine Parade speeding concerns
- Greens advocate for redesigning straight roads to eliminate speeding risks
- Council Leader down-plays issue and will not carry out action to remedy
Green Party activist Simon Gittus has called on the Labour-led council to tackle the pressing issue of speeding along Marine Parade in Leigh-on-Sea.
During a recent Full Council meeting, Mr. Gittus asked the Council Leader, Daniel Cowen, urging the administration to ‘design out’ speeding risks on the notoriously straight stretch of road.

“There are proven, effective solutions to curb speeding, such as chicanes and road narrowing measures. Yet once again, the Council downplays the problem.
“This isn’t what I’m hearing from concerned residents who live on adjacent roads, and families who visit Marine Gardens with their children and pets. We cannot ignore the fact that some drivers treat this road like a race track. We need action now, before a serious accident occurs.”
Simon Gittus, Green Activist
Adding to the urgency, Cllr. Stuart Allen remarked, “Speeding isn’t limited to Marine Parade; we’re seeing it on New Road, Station Road, and Cranleigh Drive as well. Residents know it’s an issue, the Police know it’s an issue, yet we continue to wait for another serious accident before acting. We already have had one tragic death on New Road and still we do not have a solution to slow traffic down along these roads.”
Cllr Richard Longstaff concurs, “We know where the speeding issues are and would like to see some firmed up action from the Council along these routes. I have requested a tabletop pelican crossing at the New Road bridge to the old town, and I’m suggesting that we link this up to a tabletop zebra crossing in Broadway West adjacent to the Library and Gardens entrance. These additions will make our streets safer and more enjoyable, while significantly helping to reduce traffic speeds along these roads.”
In response to Mr. Gittus’ question, Cllr Cowan stated, “We fully appreciate residents’ concerns with speeding across the city and actively deploy a regular programme of speed monitoring surveys and work with Community Speed Watch, who are managed by Essex County Fire and Rescue Service; this road is one of their approved sites for monitoring.
“Our most recent speed monitoring information for this road didn’t show any particular concerns, however, as it has been some time since the last test, we have requested that this road be added to our programme for speed monitoring surveys so we can assess if there has been any increase in the levels of speed being measured. It should be noted that any specific concerns around speeding vehicles should be sent to Essex Police for further investigation.
“Based on the current results and without yet knowing the results of the proposed survey, we would not be undertaking any further action at this time.”
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