Greens attend new Climate Hub Opening

The Green Party’s Fiona Clapperton, Tilly Hogrebe, and James Vessey-Miller attended the opening of Southend’s first Climate Hub today.

This new space in the Victoria Shopping Centre is a brand new project funded by Southend Council and other partners. This space will run free workshops on energy saving tips, growing your own food, and bicycle repair – as well as hosting Southend Transition’s popular Repair Cafes and many more events planned. 

We think this is a wonderful initiative, and we’re pleased to see Southend Council bringing projects like this to fruition. We need more projects like this that bring environmentalism to ordinary folk, and in a low/zero cost and accessible way. 

We’re sad to hear that this great project has only three months of council-backed funding so far; so the onus is on the environmentalism community to keep the project busy with useful events, workshops, and pop-ups that will help the average person make more climate-conscious lifestyle changes.

Us Greens will be hopefully running a few workshops, and we know we’ll be attending a few other others too. 

Please pop down and support this great initiative!

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