Falling Recycling Rates in Southend

Recently published figures for recycling rates in Southend show a significant drop in overall recycling that falls well short of the Council’s own previous target.

Overall Recycling Rates for Southend dropped from 49.1% to 46.6% within the financial year of 2016-2017.

Shockingly, the council has not set itself a target for recycling so far this year. 

Southend Borough Council’s previous target for total recycling was 54% of total waste, an already low-figure that these newly-released numbers still fall short by 7.4%.

The current EU target is a very achievable 65%, and Rochford has recently achieved 66% total refuse recycling – the third best recycling rate in the UK.

Veolia took over the Southend waste contract from Cory Environmental in October 2015, and many residents have complained of missed collections and poor service.

Many local Green Parties around the country have raised concerns with contractor Veolia about accusations that cardboard sent for recycling was, in fact, being incinerated at many Veolia sites.

The South East Essex Green Party challenges Southend Council’s performance and calls for a renewed commitment to improve recycling rates and facilities locally.



Green Party Policy makes the national party’s position clear:

NR312: To introduce new priorities for waste management:

  • so that unnecessary waste is avoided;
  • so that the efficient reuse, recycling and composting or digestion of waste is maximised;
  • to work towards a target of zero waste. The zero waste concept encompasses producer responsibility, eco-design, waste reduction, reuse and recycling, all within a single framework with the aim of eliminating altogether waste sent to landfill or incinerators.



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