Get Involved

There has never been a better time to get involved with the work of the Green Party.

Any help you give us, from a regular donation, to working on the doorstep will make a real difference in getting more Greens elected so we can create a fairer, cleaner, more affordable future for everyone.

Your local Green Party is growing.

With many new members each month, The Green Party is one of the fastest-growing political movements in Southend.

From Leigh to Shoebury, our volunteers across the city are organising community events, starting petitions, and organising whole campaigns to better our area. With recent gains in the last local election, our members are understandably excited.

Working for Southend

Our Green volunteers are already winning against major developers, turning the tide against litter, and helping build communities.

Imagine what we could do with your help. Even if you don’t want to make the commitment of joining us, we always welcome supporters and volunteers. Our group of environment enthusiasts are often found litter-picking and working to improve our Green Spaces.

Some of our current campaigns

We campaign on local, national and international issues and stand candidates in Local and General elections. The Green Party works round the clock fighting for a fairer greener community.

We’re passionate about ensuring that every voice is heard, and we stand up for what matters.

Tackling Litter

Our members have been conducting street cleans of our neighbourhood, and directly tackling the litter problem on our streets.

We don’t just report a problem, we fix it. If you have a litter problem near you, let us know!

Stephen Jordan is one of the Green Party candidates for Westborough.

Better Infrastructure

We’re campaigning for improvements to the town’s cycling and walking infrastructure.

We push the council for new safe segregated cycle routes, more cycle-specific street furniture, better pavements and lighting, and clearer signage.

Sustainable Development

We challenge the council to commit to building our city sustainably. We will safeguard our green belt spaces by developing on brownfield land first.

We strive to ensure that all Southend’s residents have a safe, warm, and efficient place to call home.

  • Want to come to our fun social events, interesting talks, and our famous litterpicks?
  • Could you help deliver leaflets to your street, or go out with our campaign team and speak to local residents about their concerns?
  • Could you take part in our Action Days, and join us on the streets to win campaigns and elect more greens?
  • Could your idea for a community campaign be the next good news story for the city?

Whatever your level of experience and however much or little time you can give, we would love to hear from you.

Ready to sign up?

By joining the Green Party today, you are becoming part of a Green community of over 59,000 members across England & Wales, working together to create a fairer, greener future. Our growing number of elected Greens show that people want our positive vision and practical solutions in their community. 

Join from as little as £6 per year.

Our Upcoming Events

Our next community events:

We’re always having great social and community events. Follow us on Facebook to be the first to know.

Our next meetings:

Branch Meetings
Held at Trust Links Westcliff, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex.

All Green Party members are welcome to attend.

Weds 21st May 2025, 19:30

Weds 23rd July 2025, 19:30

Annual General Meeting
Weds 10th September 2025, 19:30

Executive Committee Meetings
Held at Southend Civic Centre, Green Members Suite.

Local Green Party members are welcome to observe.

Tues 8th April 2025, 19:30

Tues 10th June 2025, 19:30

Tues 12th August 2025, 19:30

Manifesto Steering Group Meetings
Held at Southend Civic Centre, Green Members Suite.

Online option on request.
Local Green Party members are welcome to participate.

Weds 7th May 2025, 19:30

Weds 4th June 2025, 19:30

Our next Green Socials:


Our regular social get-together. Come along to meet your local Greens and get to know like-minded people. Held at The Mayflower Pub, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Weds 26th Mar 2025, 19:30

Weds 30th Apr 2025, 19:30

Got an idea for a different type of social?

Green action events:

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More events are planned, check back soon.

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