Green Campaigner Urges Council to Protect City’s Verges from Damage

  • Local Green Party Campaigner Lauren Ekins is urging the council to address the damage to grass verges in Belfairs and West Leigh, proposing proactive solutions such as planting bushes to prevent vehicle misuse while enhancing biodiversity.
  • Cllr. Stuart Allen of Leigh Ward highlights that the issue extends beyond verges, with road signs, bollards, and other infrastructure suffering damage, leading to rising costs for taxpayers.
  • The Green Party advocates for sustainable urban design and potential delivery licensing schemes to reduce damage, promote biodiversity, and ensure the city’s public spaces are well-maintained.

Concerned about the deterioration of grass verges across the city, local Green Party Campaigner, Lauren Ekins is calling on the council to implement measures that would curb damage caused by vehicles.

In recent years, verges in areas such as Belfairs and West Leigh have suffered from neglect and misuse, with delivery vans and residents frequently driving over them for convenience. Lauren believes the city must adopt a proactive approach to prevent further degradation and is asking a question at full council on Thursday 20th March.

“Some verges are in a terrible state,” Lauren said. “While enforcement through byelaws and fines is an option, I believe it’s far better to design solutions that prevent this from happening in the first place. Canvey Road in West Leigh provides an excellent example – planting bushes not only deters vehicles but also enhances biodiversity.”

Cllr. Stuart Allen, Councillor for Leigh Ward echoed Lauren’s concerns, noting that the problem extends beyond verges.

“It’s not just the grass – our entire infrastructure is suffering,” Cllr. Allen said. “Signs are being bent and twisted, bollards are being knocked down, and all of this comes at a significant cost to taxpayers. We need to explore solutions, whether through better urban design or a delivery licensing scheme to help offset these expenses.”

The Green Party continues to advocate for policies that promote sustainability, improve public spaces, and foster biodiversity, emphasising that well-maintained infrastructure benefits both residents and the environment.

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Notes to editor:

Lauren Ekins question to Cllr Daniel Cowen states;

Across the city, our grass verges are being damaged by residents driving across them and delivery drivers using them for parking. Once well-maintained green spaces are now frequently reduced to muddy, unsightly, hazardous areas. The most effective long-term solution would be to design out the problem while also enhancing biodiversity. Streets such as Canvey Road in Leigh demonstrate how a mix of trees and shrubs on these verges can improve both the street scene and local wildlife.

I am concerned about the approach taken in some areas where verges have been tarmacked over, I do not believe this is a viable solution. It decreases capacity for natural drainage and encourages parking on walkways, to name just a few drawbacks. Will the portfolio holder explore ways to protect and enhance our verges, ensuring they contribute positively to both residents’ wellbeing and the local environment?

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