Your Greens at Southend City Council.
The Green Party has had elected representatives on Southend City Council since May 2023.
At every election, the Greens win more votes from residents who support our hard work, integrity, and vision for a fairer greener Southend.
Greens at the City Council have:
🌳 Consistently pushed for more action on the climate and ecological emergencies
Introducing a new Policy that improves the way the City Council maintains and replaces our urban tree coverage
💷 Constructively analysed the civic budget
Offering proposed amendments that give residents more value for their money
🏠 Given proper scrutiny to major planning applications
Recommended improvements that safeguard our heritage assets
📚 Fought for the retention of important local services
Like the under-threat Libraries and Children’s centres
…and much more!

The Greens are a growing voice in Southend politics, and with your support, we can increase that voice at the City Council and beyond.
Councillor Richard Longstaff

Richard Longstaff is your Green Councillor for Leigh on Southend City Council.
Richard was the first Green Party Councillor elected to the City council, elected to represent Leigh in May 2023.
+ 44 7740 291951
42 Leigham Court Drive, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 1PU
About Richard:
A Senior Lecturer of Architectural Technology at Anglia Ruskin University since 2005, Richard also founded a local award-winning design and research studio in 2002, where he practices as a Chartered Architectural Technologist.
Essex born and bred, Richard has lived in Leigh for over 20 years and has three children. Richard helped Leigh Town Council save the community centre when it was considered for demolition, and also set up and helped organise the well-known campaign to save the Grand Hotel. He was also the local architectural designer behind the restoration of Strand Wharf in the Old Town.
In 2019, Richard formed the successful Once-Upon-a-Tree (Southend) campaign, which seeks to pressure Southend Council into stopping needlessly felling healthy mature trees, and instead develop a new green tree-planting initiative.
Richard was elected as a Green Councillor for Leigh in May 2023.
Councillor Stuart Allen

Stuart Allen is your Green Councillor for Leigh on Southend City Council.
Stuart was the second Green Party Councillor elected to the City council, elected to represent Leigh in May 2024.
+ 44 7386 697928
35 Torquay Drive, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 1SD
About Stuart:
Stuart has lived in Southend since 2010 and in Leigh for the past 7 years. He works at the sustainable zero-waste store, The Refill Room and has already set a following for his tireless sustainability work through his Instagram account, ‘The Jar Keeper’.
He is always looking at ways to improve biodiversity, pushing for cleaner, safer bathing waters and beaches, and ensuring Leigh remains a special part of Southend with a strong focus on community, clean & safe streets, and supporting fantastic local businesses.
Stuart was elected as a Green Councillor for Leigh in May 2024.
Here’s some of their latest work

Listening to residents
Our Councillors have been our hard-working Green campaigners in Leigh since 2019. In that time, we’ve spoken to thousands of Leigh residents and businesses.
Richard, is now joined by Stuart and are Leigh’s strongest voice on Southend City Council. They’re working hard and standing up for what matters. Get in touch with Richard or Stuart using the contact details above.

Fighting for action on the Climate and Ecological Emergency
The Greens are the leading figure on environmental issues at Southend Council, pushing hard to ensure bold measures to protect our green spaces and fighting for meaningful action on issues like sewage and air pollution.
Richard has spent many years battling Southend Council over its dire record of tree-felling across the City, and now in the Council chamber, he’s scrutinising decisions and fighting for action on Green issues.
Stuart is now pushing the narrative too with his recent motion to ban the use of Glyphosate across the city’s streets.

Standing up for our Community
Richard and Stuart work collaboratively with other Councillors to ensure the very best outcomes for Leigh. They both hold the administration to account on important issues and speaks out for our town and our interests.
Richard is currently engaged in reviewing several major planning applications and supporting residents through the Cost of Living crisis, and Stuart is pushing the Council hard on improving SEND provisions.

Better transport infrastructure
The Greens want to see cleaner, safer streets – and an excellent public transport network in Southend.
Our councillors are continually pushing for far better public and active transport infrastructure, as well as a decent, reliable charging network for those that need to use a car.
Latest News
- Safer Streets for Leigh: Green Councillor Secures Junction ImprovementsA dangerous junction in Leigh has been made safer after the council took action following concerns from residents about drivers traveling the wrong way on North Street.
- Response from David Burton-Sampson MP on Heathrow Expansion & Lower Thames CrossingFollowing our letter to David Burton-Sampson in January, please see his response
- Green campaigner presses council to remove the Queensway Bridge which remains a suicide riskTricia Cowdrey, a local Green campaigner, is urging the Council to set a clear timeline for the removal of the pedestrian bridge over the Queensway following another recent suicide attempt.
Help the Green Party in Southend-on-Sea