South East Essex Working for Southend Sat, 22 Mar 2025 08:59:21 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 South East Essex 32 32 Green campaigner presses council to remove the Queensway Bridge which remains a suicide risk Sat, 22 Mar 2025 08:57:46 +0000 Tricia Cowdrey, a local Green campaigner, is urging the Council to set a clear timeline for the removal of the pedestrian bridge over the Queensway following another recent suicide attempt.

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  • Green campaigner Tricia Cowdrey is urging the Council to set a clear timeline for the removal of the Queensway pedestrian bridge after recent suicide attempts, with concerns about ongoing fatalities since 2020.
  • Despite being scheduled for removal in 2023, the bridge remains in place, with the Council citing the need for a large crane to dismantle it.
  • Cllr Richard Longstaff stresses that the issue reflects broader government failings and calls for investment in long-term support services, as the Green Party demands better funding for mental health and public health services.
  • Tricia Cowdrey, a local Green campaigner, is urging the Council to set a clear timeline for the removal of the pedestrian bridge over the Queensway following another recent suicide attempt.

    Earlier this year, an off-duty officer intervened to help a woman to safety after she was seen climbing onto the handrail of the disused bridge.

    The structure, originally scheduled for removal by the end of 2023, remains in place. Last July, the Council stated that a large crane would be needed to dismantle it, but no further progress has been made.

    Tricia Cowdrey

    Despite the bridge being closed, suicide attempts continue, Since 2021, I have supported the campaign to have this bridge removed. Lives have already been lost at this site and it remains a place of high risk, as we have recently seen.

    Each loss is a tragedy for families and friends. We must act to protect vulnerable residents. I hope the Leader of the Council, Daniel Cowen, can finally provide a timeframe for its removal.

    Tricia Cowdrey

    Cllr Richard Longstaff echoed her concerns. “It is incredibly sad to see people reach a point where they feel they can’t go on. This is the result of failings by successive Governments. Instead of blame and culture wars, we need to come together and provide long-term investment in support services.”

    The Green Party has linked the crisis to years of underinvestment in mental health services and widening inequalities driven by austerity. It is calling on the Government to commit to sustained funding for public health services.

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    Afternoon Tea Foodie Fundraiser Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:35:46 +0000 Back by popular demand, the Green Party are hosting another Vegan foodie event, raising money for the local branch.

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    Back by popular demand, the Green Party are hosting another Vegan foodie event, raising money for the local branch.

    This time, we’ll be cooking up a selection of sandwiches and cakes for you all to enjoy!

    There’s a limited number of spaces available, so make sure to RSVP today.

    💷 PRICE: Pay what you can afford on the day.
    All funds raised will go to support the work of the local Green Party.

    🌱 All dishes will be 100% plant-based, and homemade by our wonderful chefs.

    ☕️ There will be tea/coffee available during the afternoon, but please feel free to bring your own drinks.

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    Greens Push for Hedgehog Highways to Boost Urban Biodiversity Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:27:05 +0000 In a bid to restore reducing hedgehog populations, Councillor Stuart Allen, Green Party for Leigh Ward, has submitted a motion calling for the creation of a city-wide network of hedgehog highways, helping hedgehogs move more easily between gardens and making our streets greener and more wildlife-friendly.

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  • Councillor Stuart Allen is calling for a citywide network of hedgehog highways to help reconnect habitats and support struggling hedgehog populations.
  • Hedgehog numbers have fallen from 30 million in the 1950s to under 1 million today, partly due to concrete gravel boards blocking their natural pathways and forcing them onto roads.
  • Cllr. Allen’s motion, set for debate on March 20, proposes grants and awareness campaigns to encourage hedgehog-friendly gardens and reduce reliance on chemical pesticides.
  • In a bid to restore reducing hedgehog populations, Councillor Stuart Allen, Green Party for Leigh Ward, has submitted a motion calling for the creation of a city-wide network of hedgehog highways, helping hedgehogs move more easily between gardens and making our streets greener and more wildlife-friendly.

    The UK’s hedgehog population has plummeted over the past six decades. Once estimated at 30 million in the 1950s, the number has now dropped to fewer than one million across England, Scotland, and Wales. One major factor in this decline is the widespread use of concrete gravel boards, which seal off the natural pathways between gardens, forcing hedgehogs onto roads and leaving populations increasingly isolated.

    Hedgehogs play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems, acting as natural pest controllers by feeding on slugs, snails, and caterpillars. Their presence supports biodiversity and soil health, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

    “When was the last time you saw a hedgehog? We need to act now to reverse their decline. I am bringing this motion to Full Council to raise awareness and provide grants to support hedgehog-friendly initiatives – whether that’s replacing gravel boards with accessible alternatives or encouraging residents to create more welcoming spaces for them. These wonderful creatures are not only a gardener’s best ally but a vital part of our local environment. More hedgehogs mean fewer chemicals in the soil.”

    Cllr Stuart Allen, Leigh Ward

    Cllr. Allen’s motion, seconded by Independent Councillor Susan Badger, will be debated at Full Council on 20 March. If passed, the initiative could mark a significant step toward making the city a more hospitable place for its disappearing hedgehog population.

    – ENDS –

    Notes to editor:

    Cllr Allen’s motion states:

    This Council notes that hedgehog populations in England have experienced a significant decline over the past six decades. In the 1950s, it was estimated that there were approximately 30 million hedgehogs across the UK; today, the population has fallen to well below one million across England, Scotland, and Wales combined.

    One contributing factor to this decline is the widespread use of concrete gravel boards, which obstruct natural travel routes between gardens. This forces hedgehogs onto roads, leading to increased fatalities and fragmented populations.

    Hedgehogs play a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by providing natural pest control, contributing to biodiversity, and improving soil health. Their presence supports the balance of our natural environment, which is increasingly under threat.

    This Council therefore resolves to:

    • Establish a Hedgehog Highway Scheme to support existing residential areas, raising public awareness and providing grants to homeowners who replace concrete gravel boards with timber alternatives featuring hedgehog access holes.
    • Incorporate hedgehog-friendly design into planning conditions for new developments, requiring the inclusion of hedgehog access holes in fencing and ensuring residents are informed of their purpose.
    • Explore further initiatives to enhance local hedgehog populations, including the promotion of wildlife-friendly gardening practices and a reduction in pesticide use.

    This Council recognises the importance of proactive conservation measures and commits to supporting the protection and recovery of hedgehog populations within our local area.

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    Green Campaigner Urges Council to Protect City’s Verges from Damage Wed, 12 Mar 2025 12:52:37 +0000 Concerned about the deterioration of grass verges across the city, local Green Party Campaigner, Lauren Ekins is calling on the council to implement measures that would curb damage caused by vehicles.

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  • Local Green Party Campaigner Lauren Ekins is urging the council to address the damage to grass verges in Belfairs and West Leigh, proposing proactive solutions such as planting bushes to prevent vehicle misuse while enhancing biodiversity.
  • Cllr. Stuart Allen of Leigh Ward highlights that the issue extends beyond verges, with road signs, bollards, and other infrastructure suffering damage, leading to rising costs for taxpayers.
  • The Green Party advocates for sustainable urban design and potential delivery licensing schemes to reduce damage, promote biodiversity, and ensure the city’s public spaces are well-maintained.
  • Concerned about the deterioration of grass verges across the city, local Green Party Campaigner, Lauren Ekins is calling on the council to implement measures that would curb damage caused by vehicles.

    In recent years, verges in areas such as Belfairs and West Leigh have suffered from neglect and misuse, with delivery vans and residents frequently driving over them for convenience. Lauren believes the city must adopt a proactive approach to prevent further degradation and is asking a question at full council on Thursday 20th March.

    “Some verges are in a terrible state,” Lauren said. “While enforcement through byelaws and fines is an option, I believe it’s far better to design solutions that prevent this from happening in the first place. Canvey Road in West Leigh provides an excellent example – planting bushes not only deters vehicles but also enhances biodiversity.”

    Cllr. Stuart Allen, Councillor for Leigh Ward echoed Lauren’s concerns, noting that the problem extends beyond verges.

    “It’s not just the grass – our entire infrastructure is suffering,” Cllr. Allen said. “Signs are being bent and twisted, bollards are being knocked down, and all of this comes at a significant cost to taxpayers. We need to explore solutions, whether through better urban design or a delivery licensing scheme to help offset these expenses.”

    The Green Party continues to advocate for policies that promote sustainability, improve public spaces, and foster biodiversity, emphasising that well-maintained infrastructure benefits both residents and the environment.

    – ENDS –

    Notes to editor:

    Lauren Ekins question to Cllr Daniel Cowen states;

    Across the city, our grass verges are being damaged by residents driving across them and delivery drivers using them for parking. Once well-maintained green spaces are now frequently reduced to muddy, unsightly, hazardous areas. The most effective long-term solution would be to design out the problem while also enhancing biodiversity. Streets such as Canvey Road in Leigh demonstrate how a mix of trees and shrubs on these verges can improve both the street scene and local wildlife.

    I am concerned about the approach taken in some areas where verges have been tarmacked over, I do not believe this is a viable solution. It decreases capacity for natural drainage and encourages parking on walkways, to name just a few drawbacks. Will the portfolio holder explore ways to protect and enhance our verges, ensuring they contribute positively to both residents’ wellbeing and the local environment?

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    Political Viewpoint: March 2025 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 18:13:57 +0000 This month's political view point for the Leigh-on-Sea News from Cllr Stuart Allen, focusing on devolution and the recent budget.

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    Almost a year has passed since I joined Richard Longstaff in representing Leigh residents and the Green Party on Southend Council. Over the past year, we Greens have worked hard to solve local issues, challenge policies that threaten our community, and advocate for a more sustainable approach. However, with the Labour Government imposing devolution on our area, the next year will bring uncertainties.

    In January, the Greens led in scrutinising Labour’s devolution plans, which will remove local decision-making in favour of centralised Mayoralties pursuing Westminster projects. The proposal to create 500,000-resident “super councils”, and a new Greater Essex Mayor raises serious concerns. This restructuring risks stripping Southend of its autonomy, diminishing local accountability, and placing additional financial burdens on taxpayers. While possibilities of improving public transport are welcome, the planned changes to local say in planning threatens to undermine councillors’ ability to represent our communities effectively.

    When questioned, Southend’s Labour-led Cabinet cited the Government’s so-called mandate; a mandate based on just 20% of the registered electorate – hardly a strong democratic consensus. Most residents would be unaware that council reorganisation of this scale was even in Labour’s manifesto. That’s why I encourage all residents to participate in the public consultation which runs until 13th April. This is our only opportunity for our community to voice concerns about the plans that will reshape our area for generations.

    The threat of large-scale developments built inappropriately on green belt land is more real than ever. This could see thousands of high-profit and poor-quality homes built on natural spaces, eroding our dwindling green belt and straining local services. Everyone can agree that building quality, affordable, and sustainable housing is crucial, but this approach ignores community and environmental needs and will only worsen existing problems.

    The Government’s pursuit of GDP growth remains concerning. Infinite growth on a finite planet is scientifically impossible and irresponsible. For decades, GDP has been used as the measure of our national success, but has this focus on growth made us happier or healthier? The reality is that it hasn’t. It’s time for alternative measures of progress that prioritise sustainability, and which put people’s well-being and quality of life over profit-driven expansion.

    People want change because the current system is failing to meet the needs of ordinary people. People have less money in their pockets, and every household is feeling the strain of ever-increasing bills. It is shameful that so many people – especially young people in full-time employment simply cannot afford somewhere to live. These challenges should be the top priority of this new government, but we’re just seeing a continuation of the same tired mindset; leave it to the markets and corporations to fix. This thinking has never worked, and it’s time for something different- something that prioritises the urgent needs of our country. 

    Locally, the Council has recently set its annual budget. The Greens have been asking tough questions to ensure public funds are used effectively. A major concern of ours is the growing proportion of taxpayers’ money being channelled into lucrative private sector contracts. This is evident in children’s social care, which was overspent by around £8 million this year. The privatisation of essential services is unsustainable, yet councils remain trapped in a failed mindset. The reality is declining service standards, escalating costs, and financial instability. When I challenged this, raising these concerns at Council, the reaction – audible gasps from some councillors – just reinforced my belief that the Green Party is the only group standing up for common-sense policies in the interests of residents. Our priority is clear: ensuring that our public services serve residents, not overseas shareholders.

    Since Richard’s last viewpoint, we have welcomed two outstanding individuals to the Green team: Kay Mitchell and Tricia Cowdrey, both former Councillors and both bring a wealth of experience and will contribute towards our mission for residents. I look forward to working with both of these fantastic community champions and the many new members we’ve welcomed in recent months in holding our Council and MPs to account.

    The Green Party remains committed to standing up for residents, challenging flawed policies, and offering an alternative vision – one that prioritises well-being and the health of our people and planet. Our fight for a Fairer, Greener Southend continues, and I encourage everyone to join us, get involved, and work with us to make change happen.

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    Former Councillor Tricia Cowdrey Joins the Green Party Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:07:09 +0000 Former councillor and chair of People Scrutiny Committee, Tricia Cowdrey, has joined the Green Party, marking the second high-profile name to join the party this year. Tricia follows Kay Mitchell, who made the switch in January, in what appears to be a growing shift toward the Greens in Southend politics.

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  • Former councillor Tricia Cowdrey joins the Green Party, following Kay Mitchell’s move in January, signaling growing local support for the Greens.
  • A strong advocate for children, families, and public land protection, Tricia brings extensive experience as a social worker, SEND charity trustee, and community campaigner in Shoeburyness.
  • Green group leader Cllr Richard Longstaff welcomes Ms Cowdrey, calling her a “trailblazer” whose skills strengthen the Greens as a credible alternative to traditional parties.
  • Former councillor and chair of People Scrutiny Committee, Tricia Cowdrey, has joined the Green Party, marking the second high-profile name to join the party this year. Tricia follows Kay Mitchell, who made the switch in January, in what appears to be a growing shift toward the Greens in Southend politics.

    A longtime advocate for children and families, Tricia Cowdrey brings deep experience to her new political home. A social worker and trustee of a local SEND charity, she has spent years championing the needs of vulnerable communities. In Shoeburyness, her work with the local residents’ association and campaigns to protect public land from development have cemented her reputation as a dedicated local leader.

    “I entered politics to serve my community, to listen to residents, and to work together to improve outcomes and life chances,” said Tricia. “The Green Party is the only party that truly holds these values at its core.”

    Her arrival has been met with enthusiasm by local Green leadership.

    “It’s amazing to welcome trailblazer Tricia to our ever-expanding team,” said Cllr Richard Longstaff, leader of the Green Group on Southend City Council. “She is an incredibly hard-working campaigner in the east of the city, and we are so thankful for her support.”

    Cllr Longstaff emphasised that Cowdrey’s experience and expertise will be an asset to the party, reinforcing the Greens as a credible alternative to traditional parties in the city.

    The Green Party, which continues to build momentum locally and nationally, remains committed to environmental and social justice – principles that have drawn Tricia and others into its fold.

    – ENDS –

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    Southend Campaigner Questions Council’s Commitment to Family Centres and Libraries Amid Budget Concerns Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:42:14 +0000 Former Children’s Centre Manager and Green Party campaigner, Kay Mitchell, is calling for assurances from Southend City Council regarding the future of family centres and libraries following the announcement of the council’s budget. With phrases like “right-sizing” and “fit-for-purpose” being used by the Labour-led administration in relation to services, Ms. Mitchell fears they could be code for further budget cuts that threaten vital community resources.

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  • Kay Mitchell is urging the council to confirm that family centres and libraries will remain open following budget discussions, expressing concern over terms like “right-sizing” and “fit-for-purpose.”
  • The Green Party calls for long-term investment in front-line services, warning that cuts to libraries and family centres will lead to future social problems, including family breakdown and increased pressure on other services.
  • Kay argues that libraries are essential community hubs, offering far more than just books, and should evolve to include services like tool and item lending.
  • Former Children’s Centre Manager and Green Party campaigner, Kay Mitchell, is calling for assurances from Southend City Council regarding the future of family centres and libraries following the announcement of the council’s budget. With phrases like “right-sizing” and “fit-for-purpose” being used by the Labour-led administration in relation to services, Ms. Mitchell fears they could be code for further budget cuts that threaten vital community resources.

    Ms. Mitchell raised her concerns about family centres, which she believes could play a critical role in preventing family crises and delivering a multi agency community based approach that responds to the communities identified needs.

    “These are frontline services that provide essential support to residents,” Kay said. 

    “Libraries too are more than just places to borrow books – they act as a one-stop shop for residents, offering everything from waste bags to guidance on council services. We should be future-proofing these spaces, not cutting back on them. I’d like to see them evolve into ‘libraries of everything,’ offering services like tool lending and household items.”

    Cllr Richard Longstaff, Leader of the Green Group, added, “Kay’s concerns about the future of family centres and libraries in Southend are ones I share. These spaces are invaluable to the community, offering vital resources that more than justify their cost. Any proposals for cuts – or sugar-coating as ‘right-sizing’ – are simply unacceptable, now or in future budgets. Instead, we must invest in ensuring these spaces not only meet the demands of the future but expand their reach, so more residents can access the essential services the council provides.”

    The Green Party has long argued for long-term investment in front-line services, arguing that cutting such support only exacerbates the issues facing the city. Ms. Mitchell’s call for a comprehensive approach is a reminder of the ongoing tension between short-term savings and long-term community health.

    – ENDS –

    Notes to editor:

    Kay Mitchell will be asking Cllr Laurie Burton at the Full Council meeting on the 20th February the following:

    Under ‘Ongoing Commitment to those residents most in need of support’ it says:

    The council has commenced a fundamental review of the Council’s operational estate and front-line service arrangements including Libraries and Family Centres.

    The Labour led administration currently favours the terminology of ‘Rightsizing’ and ‘fit for purpose’ but I see these as alternative words for cuts rather than purposefully developing the underutilised facilities offered by our libraries and family centres. These could be embedded with a much wider scope in the community support offer, coproduced to meet resident’s needs, wrapped around multi agency delivery and core to early intervention. The leader responded in P&R that there would be no cuts to these services, but mentioned only ‘the slipper swap’ as an offer example.

    What reassurance can the council give that the review intends to ensure the broadest possible range of sustainable services. embedded within residents’ communities?

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    Leigh Campaigner Presses Council on Bus Infrastructure Amid Calls for Greener Transport Fri, 14 Feb 2025 07:46:13 +0000 Simon Gittus, a Green Campaigner and Leigh resident, is pressing the City Council to make urgent improvements to the town’s bus infrastructure, arguing that better public transport is essential to easing congestion and cutting emissions.

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  • Green campaigner Simon Gittus is urging the council to improve Leigh’s bus infrastructure, pressing for better stops, clearer signage, and electric buses.
  • At the next Full Council meeting, he will question officials on how £1.8 million in capital investment will be used to enhance public transport.
  • With bus fare caps rising, The Greens argue that at the very least, essential upgrades – like London-style signage – should be implemented to make buses a more viable option.
  • Simon Gittus, a Green Campaigner and Leigh resident, is pressing the City Council to make urgent improvements to the town’s bus infrastructure, arguing that better public transport is essential to easing congestion and cutting emissions.

    At the upcoming Full Council meeting, Simon plans to challenge the portfolio holder, Cllr Paul Collins, overseeing transport, demanding clarity on how a £1.8 million capital investment will be spent. His focus: upgrading bus stops, improving signage, and accelerating the shift toward electric buses.

    “If we’re going to reduce the strain on our at-capacity infrastructure, we need to be encouraging people to use the bus more,” Simon said. “Right now, buses are competing against each other, shelters are in disrepair, and signage is often non-existent, making it incredibly difficult for people to even know where the routes run.”

    Mr Gittus is calling for what he describes as “London-style” bus stop signage, with clearly marked routes, journey times, and maps – an upgrade he argues is long overdue.

    Cllr Richard Longstaff, Green Party Councillor for Leigh Ward, agreed, “In so many cities around Europe people rely on the bus to get around instead of using their cars. It’s about time we change the narrative here in Southend and make buses as accessible to as many people as possible so that anyone and everyone can rely on our bus services.”

    His push comes amid recent fare hikes by the Labour government, a move that has drawn criticism from the Green Party. With rising costs making public transport less attractive, The Greens are hoping that – at the very least – basic infrastructure improvements can be fast-tracked.

    – ENDS –

    Simon Gittus will be asking Cllr Paul Collins at the Full Council meeting on the 20th February the following:

    I welcome the proposed investment in our struggling bus network, a long-overdue step toward improving public transport in our communities. Could the portfolio holder clarify how the £1.8 million in capital funding will be allocated? Will this investment include essential upgrades such as a transition to electric vehicles, clearer and more comprehensive signage to help passengers navigate routes with ease, and well-designed green-roofed shelters that offer genuine protection from the elements and support biodiversity? These measures would not only enhance the user experience but also encourage greater uptake of public transport at a time when sustainable travel has never been more important.

    Simon can be followed on Social Media at on Facebook and Instagram.

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    Cinder Path Shelter Set for Completion After Years of Delays, Councillor Confirms Thu, 13 Feb 2025 07:41:33 +0000 After years of setbacks and uncertainty, the long-awaited completion of the Cinder Path Shelter is finally in sight. Green Party Councillor Richard Longstaff, who represents Leigh Ward, has secured assurances from city council officers that the long-stalled project will be finished before the summer season, as long as there are no further complications with the project.

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  • Cinder Path Shelter is scheduled to be completed before summer after years of delays, confirms Green Party Cllr Richard Longstaff.
  • The shelter was left unfinished after the city’s contractor went into liquidation, becoming an eyesore on the popular route.
  • Follows the successful Marine Parade shelter restoration, led by campaigner Simon Gittus and Cllr Stuart Allen.
  • After years of setbacks and uncertainty, the long-awaited completion of the Cinder Path Shelter is finally in sight. Green Party Councillor Richard Longstaff, who represents Leigh Ward, has secured assurances from city council officers that the long-stalled project will be finished before the summer season, as long as there are no further complications with the project.

    The shelter, left unfinished after the city’s contractor went into liquidation, has remained an eyesore along the popular Cinder Path, frustrating residents and visitors alike.

    “I’m grateful to council staff for finally getting something done on this,” said Cllr Longstaff. “It’s dragged on for far too long – I’m fed up, residents are fed up – so it’s reassuring to have a firm commitment that work will be completed soon.”

    Cllr Stuart Allen stated, “I’m delighted to see progress finally being made on this shelter. It has taken far too long, and I really hope residents will not face any further delays.”

    The long-overdue repairs follow the successful commitments to a restoration of the Marine Parade shelter, a project led by campaigner Simon Gittus and Cllr Stuart Allen in West Leigh Ward. Their efforts set a precedent for protecting and improving well-loved public spaces across the city.

    – ENDS –

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    Greens write to MP regarding Heathrow and Lower Thames Crossing Wed, 05 Feb 2025 19:11:44 +0000 The South East Essex Green Party has formally written to MP, David Burton-Sampson responding to the Government’s damaging plan to proceed to allow for the building of a third runway at Heathrow, and the Lower Thames Crossing.

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    The South East Essex Green Party has formally written to MP, David Burton-Sampson responding to the Government’s damaging plan to proceed to allow for the building of a third runway at Heathrow, and the Lower Thames Crossing.

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